歐士立水科技有限公司 (Company Introduction)


O three water technology CO.CLT, founded by 2006 in Taiwan, offers a series of products for ozone faucet that can produces ozone pure water to reach a great effect upon sterilization, deodorization, detoxication, and purification. The issue of environment protection is always put by our company in a central position. That is, according to environmental concept, the products are designed and developed, which can satisfy the need for the families, enterprises, hospitals and so on in the 21st century.

臭氧概念 (Ozone Concept)


氧原子 O是化學元素中的一個, 最穩定的存在方式是兩個氧原子結合而成的氧氣O2 ; 地球的大氣中約有 20%的氧氣(80%為氮氣 N2 ),臭氧是由三個氧原子組成的 O3 相對於氧氣O2 而言 , 臭氧O3 是比較不穩定的狀態,臭氧O3 是非常容易和其它元素產生反應。

臭氧係因輕微離子結合,結合狀態極不安定,在常溫時即迅速分解,因為還原成氧氣時,氧原子游離出來,稱之為『初生態氧』 ,它的氧化性極為活潑,反應性極高,氧化力僅次於氟,是氯的3000倍,臭氧的還原過程,完成了殺菌、除臭、化毒、保鮮的功能。

Ozone (O 3) has a kind of unique smell. When in the high concentration, it shows light blue color and has a strong pungent flavor. The proportion with ozone is about 90% in the stratosphere to which it is about 10-50 kilometers from the earth's surface and stratosphere is only 30 kilometers in width. Ozone exists most in the earth including forest, ocean, mountain, etc. Although not main part in the earth, however, ozone in the upper atmosphere is a protector who protects living organisms by preventing damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the Earth's surface.

Oxygen atom O is one of chemical elements, and most steady existing way with oxygen atom is diatomic species O2. The atmosphere on the earth has about 20% of the oxygen O2 and 80% nitrogen N2. Ozone (O3) is a triatomic molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is much less stable than the diatomic species O2. In addition, it is very easy that ozone (O3) with other elements produces chemical reaction.

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is also unstable at high concentrations, decaying to ordinary diatomic oxygen (in about half an hour in atmospheric conditions). By deoxidizing to oxygen, a single oxygen atom O, called initial oxygen O, is dissociated out. This oxygen O is very active and high reactive. In addition, its oxidizing power is second only to fluorine, but is more than 3000 times of the chlorine. The process of deoxidizing to oxygen in ozone O3 has already achieved the effects upon sterilization, deodorization, detoxication, and purification.


產品設計理念(Product design ideal)

本公司設計臭氧殺菌水龍頭一系列產品均「以人為本」,將自來水瞬間變成具有殺菌能力的臭氧水,使自來水不僅乾淨,更具有殺菌效果,讓民眾建立環保意識,減少 使用含化學物品之各項清潔用品,因為傳統上這些清潔用品的生物分解度比較低,會影響河川水質的有氧度,水中的動植物嚴重危害,生態產生變化,環境亦隨著改 變。小小的觀念改變,可以影響整個生態的改變,減少化學清潔用品的使用,不但維護全家的健康也為地球自然環境盡份心力。

有 鑑於此,臭氧的觀念蘊育而生,全世界先進國家已將臭氧列為飲用水水質處理藥劑,如美國、法國、日本等,於自來水廠末端以臭氧處理後送至各用戶。本公司設計 臭氧殺菌龍頭所使用之原料為空氣,產生臭氧後20分鐘還原為氧,不會殘留任何衍生物,而造成二次公害,處理過的廢水絕無任何化學殘留物。


By the philosophy of humanism, our company designs a series of products of ozone faucet, which could turn tap-water into ozone water with sterilizing ability that makes the running water to be purified with a sterilization effect, and, at the same time, can reduce to use chemical articles in order to protect our environment in the Earth because those chemical articles will pollute water quality of rivers and creeks from which creatures in the water will suffer harmfully. To reduce using chemical cleaning appliances is not only for health of the whole family, but only for the environmental protection.

In view of this, the idea of the ozone grows. The advanced countries in the world have already classified the ozone as a medicament for drinking water, such as, in U.S.A., France, Japan, etc., after treated by ozone, pure water is dispatched by water pipeline to customers. Ozone faucet made by our company is based on air, and, after it produce ozone, ozone will be deoxidized to oxygen with 20 minutes, which would not remain any derivatives that further cause the second hazard. Hence, the waste water dealt with ozone does not have any chemical leftovers.

The products from our company are designed on the basis of the humanized interface, an easy installation, the unique fashion, combining with the commercial functions of enterprises, and the convenient function for family. The excellent design of our
products has gained great appreciations from the popular in its core values.




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歐士立水科技有限公司  台北市南港區重陽路138號一樓
TEL:0937-188-949  Email:O3@o-three.com.tw
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